Edit With Me In Lightroom | Video Content

Edit With Me In Lightroom | Video Content

Happy Monday! I hope your day has been filled with plenty of coffee, productivity, and inspiration! Mondays sure can bring fresh beginnings and inspiration. I'm very excited to add to my canon of video content by sharing an editing session with you. The theme of this video is improvement. You can always learn and grow. So I'm revisiting my well-loved Psalm 47 session from earlier this year to edit according to my current style.

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The Everywoman's Guide To Taking Better Photos

The Everywoman's Guide To Taking Better Photos

You're not a photographer. You're not trying to be. But you and a large percentage of the world has a cellphone with a camera on it. There's no escaping it. You view Facebook albums online of people who have had professional portraits made of whatever event is going on lately. You even see the classic mom's-iphone-pic-of-child where the camera is angled downward because we're taller than our kids, duh. And they are CUTE!!!! But somehow, your brain just doesn't function like that and all your pictures are blurry, too bright, too dark, have awful flash, or even feature the beloved finger over the camera. Maybe you just want to take one good picture of your child before school and or before a meltdown.

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My Top Tips For Traveling To A Photoshoot

My Top Tips For Traveling To A Photoshoot

So you've booked your destination photoshoot, they've paid their travel fee and you've got your car all gassed up to leave. How exciting! Here's a few tips for for your trip so everything goes smoothly and you can focus on what you are traveling to do.....have a great photoshoot! I hope this list poses more as a great place to be reminded of practical, well-known items rather than "I've never thought of that before!" items. ;) So perhaps this prompts you to get something done on your list of pre-travel to-do's.

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Inspiration: What I Read

Inspiration: What I Read

Happy Wednesday, friends! I hope you are having a great, productive, or relaxing week thus far! A while back, I wrote a short post on what I listen to when I am wanting to be inspired or feeling inspired.  Sometimes your brain just needs a boost! I want to continue this series today and share a list of some of my favorite material/books to read. These items are more responsible for grounding me and reminding me of who I am.

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An Open Letter To Photogs About "Brain Picking"

An Open Letter To Photogs About "Brain Picking"

I’ve recently encountered a few blog posts on the critical topic of “brain picking”. “Brain picking” can occur when an aspiring photographer seeks out and finds a more experienced one, and asks for a short allotment of their time in order to also share knowledge, tips, experiences, ect.

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Motivation Monday: Two Types Of Tasks

Motivation Monday: Two Types Of Tasks

Happy Monday! Today I shared a little video on my Facebook page about motivation. I was inspired to share some things I've learned about motivation after getting my ducks in a row for the week this morning.  So, I spent the first hour of the day doing what I do every Monday, which is planning for the week. I make a list of things that need to be done for the week and then sort them however I feel works for the week. Sometimes I sort by priority, or I sort by day. No matter the order you choose to complete your tasks, there will always be 2 types of tasks. The ones you find boring and uneventful, and the ones that drive you and get you excited about your job. 

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